You can do it Senior Citizens! - 22 Aug 2008
SCAM (what an acronym - Senior Citizens' Association of Melaka) had a dinner on 22 Aug 2008 at the Pay Teck Chinese Primary School. The seniors put up a good show of karaoke, choir, line dancing and there was even an Elvis Presley impersonation. All these just go to prove that "Orang Tua Boleh!" (the seniors can also do it).
Pics 1st from top: In the middle of the back row is Rosalind Goh, our SCAM line dance instructor. We have proven to be quite hopeless students, always forgetting dance steps which we have learnt. Look at her - she's got a figure I'd die for... tall, slim, fair... Sigh!
Middle and bottom pics - I am surrounded by veterans. In the second pic, I am at the back (shortest one) with my face turned to my left and my arms swung to my right.